Nanfans Ballet School aims to provide a high quality and positive dance experience to all those attending our classes and as such we ask that all participants adhere to the relevant terms and conditions below:
Student details will be held on the Nanfans Ballet School database and will not be divulged to 3rd parties without authorisation. The only exceptions to this are for fire and safety purposes and NHS Test and Trace should a student test positive for coronavirus
All class fees to be paid in full prior to the start of each term. No refunds will be given
If any pupil is withdrawn a minimum of half a term's notice must be given in writing by the preceding half term holiday
Attendance at a class assumes acceptance of these terms and conditions
Silver Swans only: cash to be paid at the start of each lesson. As there is a waiting list for this class, you must attend a minimum of half a terms classes to retain your place unless under exceptional circumstances
Fees are reviewed annually, and we reserve the right to change fees giving no less than six weeks’ notice
Registration forms must be filled in and submitted prior to attendance at a class
You must notify us of any changes to contact or medical information to enable us to keep up-to-date information for the safety of you or your child
Students participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform Nanfans Ballet School and its staff of any existing injuries or medical conditions along with emergency contact information
Nanfans Ballet School will from time to time take photographs and film footage of students during class time and shows for use in marketing and publicity material. If you do not wish for you or your child to be photographed or filmed, please indicate on the registration form otherwise permission is assumed
Term dates for the following term will be made known in writing at the end of each term
Ballet students will be prepared for examinations under the Royal academy of Dance
Dance staff will use appropriate physical contact when required for the purposes of teaching dance
Nanfans Ballet School asks that all participants abide by the Health & Safety requirements of the venue
Nanfans Ballet School accepts no responsibility for any loss of property or personal injury during class times
Correct footwear and clothing must be worn to all classes and at all times
No jewellery is to be worn in class and hair must be tied back off the face.
Children only: by enrolling in our classes, you are agreeing to take part in our biennial shows
All students must arrive to class on time
We are only responsible for your child within the times of their dance class.
You must pick up your child on time and pick them up in the venue, not outside the venue
Zoom Classes - Terms and Conditions – Children’s Classes
Due to the prevalence of COVID-19 and under guidance from the UK Government Nanfans Ballet School are delivering some lessons via Zoom. In order to take part in these online lessons, you agree to the following:
Your child will not be left unsupervised at any point in the session
You can provide a sufficient, flat, clear floor space for the students use where no trip or slip hazards can be found
You ensure the student is wearing appropriate footwear and uniform
You fully understand that as Nanfans ballet School are not providing these services in person, we are unable to provide any first aid or safeguarding services
You understand that Nanfans Ballet school are in no way affiliated with the video conferencing software and are not responsible for any changes, data loss or software/hardware malfunction as a result of using the equipment. You also agree to their separate terms of use
You will not hold Nanfans ballet School responsible for any injury sustained as part of these classes and will watch your child for any signs of sickness, tiredness or injury which may prevent them taking part